Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kako sam učvrstila torbicu / How did I solidify clutch

Ok. Kako sam učvrstila torbicu? Koristila sam tvrde korice neke stare teke. Izrezala sam ih na mjeru, malo obložila selotejpom, i to je to. Nije neka nuklearna fizika, ali meni je lijepo poslužilo.

How did I solidify my clutch?
I used some hard cover from old notebooks. I cut them to size, slightly covered with tape, and that's it. Not a rocket science, but it helped.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Torbica / Clutch

Hm, baš sam ponosna na ovo, mojih ruku djelo... Pokazati ću vam kako sam napravila ovu torbicu. Vjerojatno bi nekome sa iskustvom u šivanju to bilo za čas, ali meni je trebalo vremena. Čini mi se da je vrijedilo. I, ako je ja mogu napraviti... možete i vi!

I'm so proud on this lovely clutch. (to be honest, I'm not sure how to call it. Handbag?! Well, my English... you know...) I'll show you how did I do it. It should be easy and fast...probably. But, since I'm beginner, it took some time. I'm glad how it turned out, and it looks like a time well spent.

Iskrojila sam dva pravokutnika (rozi i crni) veličine 22 cm x 26 cm. (krivo planirajući rozi dio sam iskrojila veći, ali sam ga samo preklopila da mi torba na kraju bude "ugodnija" u ruci. Ali stvarno to nisam trebala radit i mogla sam ga odrezati na točnu mjeru.)

I cut 2 squares. They bouth were 22 cm x 26 cm (8,65 inch x 10,5 inch) ( Actually, I made mistake planning it, so I cut pink square bigger than it should be, ignore it)


Zašila sam tkanine jednu za drugu, jednu stranicu kvadrata sam ostavila nezašivenu kako bih mogla izvrnuti tkanine pa da šav ostane iznutra, i da mogu umetnuti nešto što bi torbicu držalo čvrstom.

I sew materials for each other. I left one side open, so I was able to twist it (so the stitches are hidden inside), and to insert something to keep my clutch solid.


Sutra ću vam pokazati detaljnije čime sam to učvrstila torbicu. Iako, očito je :)

Tomorrow I'll show you more detail what did I use for consolidate the purse. Although, it's obviously:)

Ručno sam zašila i četvrtu stranicu kvadrata (ono što je maloprije na drugoj slici ostalo ne zašiven)

I hand-stitched the fourth side of the square (what you can see as unsewn on second picture)

Dva manja komada (rozi i crna čipka) sam iskrojila na veličinu 22 cm x 9 cm. Zašila sam ih.

I cut two small pieces (pink and black lace) on the size 22 cm x 9 cm (8, 66 inch x 3,55 inch). I stitched them.


Spojila sam veći i manji dio. Roza tkanina je s jedne strane, a crna s druge. (čvrsti dio je u sredini)

I connected a larger and a smaller part. Pink fabric is on one side and black on the other. (solid part is in the middle)


Preklopila sam tkanine tako da je torbica dobila svoj konačni oblik. I zašila sam je.

I folded fabric so that the purse was given its final shape. I stitched it.

Za zatvaranje sam upotrijebila čičak.

I close my clutch with velcro.


To je to! Jednostavno, zar ne?! 

That's it! Simple, right?

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Monday, August 29, 2011


Danas vam zapravo samo želim dati razlog da se i sutra vratite na tousled day. Dođite vidjeti jesam li napravila ovu torbicu, kako je ispala, i kako je prepreprejednostavno možete i sami napraviti. Želim vam lijep i razbarušen dan! Vidimo se sutra!!!

Today, I really just want to give you a reason to come back tomorrow on the tousled day. This is just "sneak a peek" for tomorrow. I wish you a nice and tousled day! See you tomorrow!

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jojo cvijet od tkanine / Yoyo fabric flower

Ok. Zapravo ne znam ime ni ovoga cvijeta, mislim da bi moglo biti jojo. I uostalom, ovo možda i nije cvijet, vidjela sam po internetu pregenijalnih korištenja ovih malih ljepotana. Ovdje sam ih naučila praviti. A kako sam ga ja napravila? Pokazati ću vam. Zar nisu odlične ove ideje?! Posebno ove na pojasu izgledaju tako elegantno...

Ok. I don't know the name of this flower (if this is a flower). It could be yoyo. There are some great uses of it (look down). I learned to make them here. But I'll show you how did I do.

Kako? E pa lako!

It's easy!

 Kako ne bi bio ovako napuhan, prišila sam ga za poleđinu (vidila sam da ga neki ispeglaju, ali meni se ta ideja ne sviđa jer ga previše spljošti)

I stiched front and back so it became less puffed. (I sow that some people are ironing it. I don't like that idea becouse it becomes to flattened)

Tutorijal je sniman dok sam pravila ovog najmanjeg.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Mašna / Fabric bow

Neću puno pričat. Slike će vam sve reći. Znam da ćete pronaći tisuće razloga za što vam trebaju ove mašnice... Pa, uživajte praveći ih. (meni se jaaako sviđaju)

I'll leave pictures to do the talk. Have fun in making those lovely bows... (I know that there is a milion tutorials like this, but here is mine too :) )  
P.S. I really like them!!!

(It's about 7 inches)

I'm linking at
Young and Crafty
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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Ovaj veseli, šaroliki, zaigrani "modni dodatak" mi je jako, jako drag. Ok, zbog svih mogućih boja moram paziti na što ga kombiniram, ali kada ga nosim, odmah mi je dan ljepši! A tako se jednostavno napravi. Kružiće zašijete jedan na drugi, i to je to. Hmm, bilo bi lijepo napraviti ga dvobojnog u nekim malo neutralnijim bojama. Ako ja ne stignem, vi se uhvatite škara i konca. Uživajte!

I really like this cheerful, colorful, playful "accessory". Ok, becouse of all colors on it I have to be careful how do I combine it, but when I wear it, it makes my day! And it is so easy to make. Just cut circles and stitche one on each other, and that's it. Hmm, it would be nice to make it a two-color in some neutral colors. If I don't not catch time, you can grab the scissors and thread. Enjoy makeing and wearing!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spajalica / Paperclip

Budući da sam koristila krep-papir, mašnica je praktički izdržala samo nekoliko korištenja. Bilo bi odlično koristiti tkaninu, tako da dulje traju. Ali, lijepe su i ovako.

I used paper to make this bow, so my bow survived just few uses. It would be great to make this paperclip bow with some nice fabric, so bow will last longer (where am I going to find so small scrap?!?! lol).

Sve što nam treba je spajalica, malo papira, ljepilo i škare.
All we need is paperclip, little paper, glue and scissors.

 Odličan nail art!!!
I like this nail art!!!

I'm linking up:
Someday Crafts
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